12 Best Phoenix and Peacock Tattoo Design Ideas for Men and Women in 2020
PHOENIX TATTOO DESIGN IDEAS FOR MEN AND WOMEN The phoenix is a mythical bird that has different meanings in several cultures. This majestic colorful bird is arguably one of the most magnificent tattoo designs . It represents rebirth, immortality, grace and virtue. It is actually one of the oldest symbols in the world and as a tattoo it can be worn by both men and women. But let's take a look at some of the most important meanings of phoenix tattoo designs. Phoenix tattoo design of @alexisvaateteart via Instagram Greek M ythology - History of the P hoenix In Greek, the word phoenix means purple red, which shows that this bird is associated with fire. In its mythology, the phoenix is known as a fiery bird that is believed to live around 500 years.When it is on the verge of death, this bird builds a nest with aromatic twigs and sets fire to it. So it burns itself in the flames. Three days after his death, he rose from ...